Siccome non sono molto talkative oggi, copincollo dalla faq:
What is Psolenoid?Psolenoid [so'le-noid'] is an intuitive, easy-to-use linking tool that allows bloggers to connect their posts to other, related posts. When activated on a blog, Psolenoid allows bloggers to create a two-way, reciprocal link exchange between their blog post and another relevant post, connecting the related posts on both blogs. We call this process “wiring” and it automatically creates a “rabbit hole” or two-way link for audiences of both blogs to visit the other blog post.Visually, Psolenoid appears at the bottom of a blog post and looks similar to a comment, but is richer in appearance. It includes a preview of the wired blog post, a short comment introducing the other site, and a user profile image.As the blogosphere continues to evolve, two-way connectivity is the next step. Psolenoid operates across blogging platforms and aims to manifest connections between related blog posts that would not otherwise be connected.
In buona sostanza: se un blog ha Psolenoid attivato, è possibile collegare ai suoi post quelli di un altro, anch'esso con Psolenoid attivato, e il collegamento tra i due post apparirà in coda a entrambi, in maniera simile a quello che nei blog oldschool era il trackback dei link.
Come al solito coi servizi duepuntozzèro, si fa prima a provare che a parlarne, per cui io posso al massimo invitarvi a sperimentare il funzionamento di Psolenoid da soli, toccandolo con mano, magari dopo aver visto il video di presentazione:
Psolenoid from psolenoid on Vimeo.
1 commento:
pare funzioni :-) ci sono
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